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New Jersey - 08869
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37 products in this category, displaying products 1 to 24.



Great Candy Boxes for Every Occasion

Standard - No Windows These are premium boxes, mostly 1 piece. Available from 2 9/16" x 1 5/16" x 1 1/4" Mini's to 3 lb. capacity 11 1/4" x 7 3/8" x 2"

Window & Special These are premium candy boxes.  Most have see-thru windows. Also included here are boxes with bows, and specials like totes, mint candy boxes & popcorn boxes.

Duerr Golden Electra Series Boxes We offer over 65 boxes that are specifically designed to accommodate candy molded from specific candy molds. Both the molds and the matching boxes are presented together for your convenience.

Molded Fancy Candy Boxes Page 1 Boxes have molded inserts for 12, 18 or 24 candy pieces. & clear plastic lids. Boxes are designed for: Bon-bons, #3 and #4 candy cups. There is also a fancy plastic box & a greeting card box.
Molded Fancy Boxes Page 2 Boxes designed for Oreo cookies, Strawberries and dipped pretzels. Can also be used for other candies as well. Boxes have clear lids.